Safari Dive Trips
Camayan Divers
Safari Dive Trips
On request we can venture outside the head lands of Subic Bay in a choice of powerboats and within 30 minutes we can be in Sampaloc, for a great reef dive, picnic lunch and a short hike up to a waterfall.
Within 1 hour we can be in the protected beauty of Silanguin bay. A popular over night stay for alot of boaters heading north up the coastline of Luzon.
Very private and protected it has a great dive inside the bay on an old LCU. For a second dive we can venture to the Pinnacle outside the bay which boasts amazing visibility and fantastic wall drops. Average visibility here is 25 plus meters. In an hour and a half we can be at Nagzaza Bay with more reefs and awesome beaches to explore. Within 2 hours we can reach Capones Islands

PADI 5 Star Dive Resort
PADI Diver Certification
This is where all divers begin their journey into the world of Scuba Diving. We offer a selection of PADI Scuba Certification Programs.